25-4142. Citation of act. K.S.A. 25-4119e, 25-4119f, 25-4119g, 25-4142 through 25-4187 and K.S.A. 25-4153b, and amendments thereto, shall be known and may be cited as the campaign finance act.
History: L. 1981, ch. 171, § 1; L. 1989, ch. 111, § 7; L. 1991, ch. 150, § 5; L. 2000, ch. 124, § 11; July 1.
Source or prior law:
Revisor's Note:
At time of enactment, this act contained a repealer that would have sunset the act on July 1, 1987 (L. 1981, ch. 172, § 49). This repealer was repealed by L. 1986, ch. 143, § 3.
Law Review and Bar Journal References:
"Treatment of the Separation of Powers Doctrine in Kansas," Marc E. Elkins, 29 K.L.R. 243, 262 (1981).
"Y2K: An Active Year for Judicial Legislation," Paul T. Davis, 69 J.K.B.A. No. 7, 12 (2000).
Governmental Ethics Commission Opinions:
State senator not currently involved in reelection campaign may not use campaign funds for contribution to county central committee. 94-36.
Contest by unsuccessful candidate on certification of successful opponent's election; candidate defined; campaign contributions; special interests. 95-5.
Contribution of unused campaign funds to charity. 1999-23.
Use of campaign funds to sponsor College Republican National Committee. 1999-24 (Revised).
Legislators may not use campaign funds to pay membership dues of Kansas Conservative Caucus, Inc. 1999-36.
No restrictions on how political committee spends its money. 1999-44.
Sheriff may use campaign funds in defense of civil ouster proceeding. 2000-03.
During legislative session legislator may not solicit contributions from lobbyist to be given after sine die. 2000-16.
Use of campaign funds by governor at Republican national convention. 2000-24.
Use of campaign funds to pay for replacement on radio talk program. 2000-27.
Use of campaign funds to pay expenses at Democratic National Convention. 2000-37.
Wheat commission as independent (nonstate) entity. 2000-47.
Interpretation of K.S.A. 25-2320a is without jurisdiction of Governmental Ethics Commission. 2002-11.
State legislator may use state candidate committee funds to run for city electoral position. 2002-20.
Out-of-state organization which makes only contributions to state political party is not a "political committee"; but limit of such contribution is $15,000 per calendar year. 2002-23.
Balance of campaign account may be transferred to successor account, however, if first campaign account is maintained, funds may not be transferred between accounts. 2003-05.
Discusses when disclosure of "paid for by" must be included in political fact sheets or fliers. 2004-02.
Citizen may organize and host event calculating positive changes in county. 2004-05.
Value of in-kind contribution may be returned to contributor (at fair market value). 2004-06.
Distinguishing legislative campaign account from mayoral campaign account. 2004-11.
Campaign funds may be used; district number changed but geographical area changed little. 2004-15.
Provisions of K.S.A. 25-4153b are prospective in nature; previously established leadership DAC may continue. 2004-19.
Campaign funds may not be used to provide college scholarships. 2005-03.
Candidate for state representative may serve as chairman of political committee. 2006-07.
1. Violations of act involving theft, conspiracy, false writing, criminal solicitation, and acts necessary to constitute concealment examined. State v. Palmer, 248 Kan. 681, 682, 810 P.2d 734 (1991).
2. Campaign finance act does not create a private cause of action; no common law action recognized; remedy is administrative action before commission. Nichols v. Kansas Political Action Committee, 270 Kan. 37, 11 P.3d 1134 (2000).