46-215. Application of definitions. As used in K.S.A. 46-215 to 46-280, inclusive, and any amendments thereto, and K.S.A. 46-248a, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in K.S.A. 46-216 to 46-231, inclusive, and any amendments thereto, shall have the meanings therein ascribed thereto.
History: L. 1974, ch. 353, § 1; L. 1981, ch. 171, § 42; July 1.
Governmental Ethics Commission Opinions:
Information Network of Kansas (INK) employees are not subject to conflict of interest laws. 91-11.
Executive director of Kansas state board of cosmetology may own and operate private cosmetology business so long as board's licensure, inspection and administration are conducted solely by board's other employees. 91-12.
State board of education member may serve as board member "Ag in the Classroom" if such member abstains from any official action regarding "Ag in the Classroom" program regulation. 91-13.
Secretary of administration may participate in making of contract in his position on PBC and city council but not in position as Secretary of administration. 2001-11.
Former employee of the Kansas real estate appraisal board may enter into a contract with the board. 2001-18.
Whether KTEC may license software to employee is not governed by the governmental ethics laws. 2001-24.
Former director of DISC not prohibited from being independent contractor with INK. 2002-10.
Employee of wheat commission who serves on board of Kansas association of wheat growers may not participate in award of contracts or awards with wheat growers association. 2002-12.
Former employee of Kansas arts commission may not prepare grant applications for organizations for which, as state employee, she recommended amount of grants to be awarded. 2002-13.
Former employee of juvenile justice authority may accept employment with WSU as he did not materially participate in authority's contracts with WSU. 2002-14.
Attorney who is state employee may represent brother-in-law before civil service board. 2002-15.
State senator required to file representation disclosure form before representing company before state agency. 2002-17.
DISC supervisor may take part-time position in or establish computer service business but may not participate in making of contracts between state and such business. 2002-19.
SRS employee may form business relationship with spouse of individual who performs consulting services for SRS. 2002-21.
Director of private company taking state position may not participate in negotiation of contracts between two organizations but may, in state position, participate in competitively bid contracts between two organizations. 2002-25.
Employee of department of agriculture may accept private company employment inspecting water flow meters but cannot participate in negotiation of state contracts with private company. 2002-26.
Individual appointed to state board for specific term may serve out term after spouse becomes appointing authority for board. 2002-27.
Sister-in-law may occasionally supervise state employee so long as she is not involved in promotion, advancement or disciplining of employee. 2003-03.
Agency secretary owning private company not in violation of law so long as he does not participate in negotiation of contract with his company or misuse confidential information. 2003-06.
Current state employee retiring soon may be hired as independent contractor after retiring provided employee is not involved in his official capacity in making of contract. 2003-07.
State agency head may serve on advisory board for county. 2003-22.
State employee may own and operate retail market/grocery store. 2003-26.
Regulatory agency may apply for and administer federal educational grant. 2003-28.
Employees of one state agency may not accept free checking accounts offered by local bank. 2004-07.
Representative of public instrumentality not required to register as lobbyist. 2004-08.
Former state employee may be subcontractor for company seeking contract with state as more than two years have passed since terminating employment. 2004-14.
Wildlife and parks employee may provide fish management services outside his district and sell fish feeder to department. 2004-17.
Upon retiring, DOT employee may accept position with subcontractor. 2004-18.
State employee may provide consulting services to company providing services outside state. 2004-20.
Department of aging employee may contract to provide services to SRS; when and how. 2004-22.
State employees may not accept gifts of palm pilots from agency of federal government; may be accepted as property of state. 2004-23.
KPERS official prohibited from accepting employment for two years with company contracting with KPERS. 2004-24.
State agency may accept motor vehicle provided at no cost by general motors; use must inure to benefit of state. 2005-01.
State employee may not form company to contract with state, and may not, for two years, be involved in any noncompetitively bid contract with state in which employee participated in making of contract. 2005-02.
Restrictions applicable to medical doctor employed by Kansas department of health and environment working part-time in emergency room of Kansas hospital. 2005-05.
Retired state employee may contract with state agency to perform same type of services but while employed may not be involved in making of contract for such services. 2005-06.
State employee is not prohibited from working as fundraiser for not-for-profit organization. 2017-06.
Attorney General's Opinions:
State governmental ethics; interstate compacts; individuals required to file statements of substantial interests. 91-24.
Conflicts of interest; district court clerk who is spouse of county sheriff; qualifications. 91-32.
County commission board member elected to serve as state representative; district convention to select replacement; state representative serving as president of registered lobbying group; incompatibility of offices. 91-86.
Certain limitations on compensation of justices and judges; prohibition on holding other offices. 92-85.
Kansas, Inc. and KTEC are state agencies subject to state governmental ethics laws. 97-59.
Kansas lottery employees and affiliation with casino's player's club; acceptance of benefits. 2012-14.