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59-3069. Oaths; bonds; resident agent; letters; basic instructional program. (a) When the court appoints an individual or a corporation as a guardian, the court shall require that the individual or a representative on behalf of the corporation file with the court an oath or affirmation as required by K.S.A. 59-1702, and amendments thereto.

(b) When the court appoints an individual or a corporation as a conservator, except as provided for in subsections (c), (d) or (e), or in K.S.A. 59-3055, and amendments thereto, the court shall require that the individual or a representative on behalf of the corporation file with the court a bond in the amount of 125% of the combined value of the tangible and intangible personal property in the conservatee's estate and the total of any annual income from any source which the conservator may be expected to receive on behalf of the conservatee, minus any reasonably expected expenses, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of all the duties of the conservator's trust according to law, and with sufficient sureties as the court may determine necessary or appropriate.

(c) When the court appoints an individual or a corporation as a conservator pursuant to a request for a voluntary conservatorship as provided for in K.S.A. 59-3056, and amendments thereto, and the person for whom the voluntary conservatorship is established has requested that the individual or corporation appointed not be required to file a bond, the court may waive the filing of a bond; provided that the court may later require the filing of a bond if circumstances so require.

(d) If, at the time of the appointment of a conservator, there is no property in the possession of the conservatee requiring a conservatorship, but the court finds that there is likely to be such at some point in time, the court may waive the filing of a bond and order that the conservator shall immediately file a report with the court upon either the conservator coming into possession of any property of the conservatee, or if the conservatee becomes entitled to receive any property which the conservator believes should be placed within the conservatorship. Upon the filing of such a report, the court, following any hearing the court may determine appropriate, may require the conservator to file a bond as provided for herein.

(e) If the conservator appointed is the individual or corporation suggested by a testator or settlor as provided for in K.S.A. 59-3054, and amendments thereto, and the testator or settlor has provided by will or trust that no bond should be required of such conservator, the court may waive the filing of a bond; provided that the court may later require the filing of a bond if circumstances so require.

(f) If the conservator is a bank having trust authority or a trust company organized and having its principal place of business within the state of Kansas, the court may waive the filing of a bond.

(g) If the conservator appointed is under contract with the Kansas guardianship program, the Kansas department for children and families shall act as surety on the bond. The court shall order that a certified copy of the order appointing a conservator who is under contract with the Kansas guardianship program be sent to the director of the Kansas guardianship program.

(h) If the individual appointed as guardian or conservator, or both, resides outside of Kansas, the court shall require that person, and in the case of a corporation being appointed as guardian or conservator, or both, the court shall require a representative of the corporation, to appoint, in writing, a resident agent pursuant to K.S.A. 59-1706, and amendments thereto.

(i) Upon the filing of the required oath or bond, and appointment and consent of a resident agent, the court shall issue letters of guardianship to the guardian or letters of conservatorship to the conservator, or both. The court may order that a certified copy of these letters be sent to such persons or agencies as the court specifies.

(j) Every individual appointed as guardian or conservator on or after January 1, 2009, shall file with the court evidence of completion of a basic instructional program concerning the duties and responsibilities of a guardian or conservator prior to the issuance of letters of guardianship or conservatorship. The court shall have the authority to require any guardian or conservator appointed prior to January 1, 2009, to complete the basic instructional program and provide evidence thereof to the court. The materials comprising the basic instructional program shall be prepared by the judicial council.

History: L. 2002, ch. 114, § 20; L. 2008, ch. 150, § 6; L. 2014, ch. 115, § 227; July 1.

Source or Prior Law:


Revisor's Note:

Section was also amended by L. 2008, ch. 64, § 9, but that version was repealed by L. 2008, ch. 150, § 9.


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