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74-8804. Powers and duties of commission. (a) During live race meetings or simulcast racing operations, the commission and its designated employees may observe and inspect all racetrack facilities operated by licensees, all racetracks simulcasting races to racetrack facilities in Kansas and all historical horse race machines, including, but not limited to, all machines, equipment and facilities used for parimutuel wagering.

(b) Commission members and presiding officers may administer oaths and take depositions to the same extent and subject to the same limitations as would apply if the deposition was in aid of a civil action in the district court.

(c) The commission may examine, or cause to be examined by any agent or representative designated by the commission, any books, papers, records or memoranda of any licensee, or of any racetrack or business involved in simulcasting races to racetrack facilities in Kansas or operating historical horse race machines, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with any provision of this act or any rule and regulation adopted hereunder.

(d) The commission may issue subpoenas to compel access to or for the production of any books, papers, records or memoranda in the custody or control of any licensee or officer, member, employee or agent of any licensee, or to compel the appearance of any licensee or officer, member, employee or agent of any licensee, or of any racetrack or business involved in simulcasting races to racetrack facilities in this state or operating historical horse race machines, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with any of the provisions of this act or any rule and regulation adopted hereunder. Subpoenas issued pursuant to this subsection may be served upon individuals and corporations in the same manner provided in K.S.A. 60-304, and amendments thereto, for the service of process by any officer authorized to serve subpoenas in civil actions or by the commission or an agent or representative designated by the commission. In the case of the refusal of any person to comply with any such subpoena, the executive director may make application to the district court of any county where such books, papers, records, memoranda or person is located for an order to comply.

(e) The commission shall allocate equitably race meeting dates, racing days and hours to all organization licensees and assign such dates and hours so as to minimize conflicting dates and hours within the same geographic market area.

(f) The commission shall have the authority, after notice and an opportunity for hearing in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the commission, to exclude, or cause to be expelled, from any race meeting or racetrack facility, or to prohibit a licensee from conducting business with any person:

(1) Who has violated the provisions of this act or any rule and regulation or order of the commission;

(2) who has been convicted of a violation of the racing or gambling laws of this or any other state or of the United States or has been adjudicated of committing as a juvenile an act which, if committed by an adult, would constitute such a violation; or

(3) whose presence, in the opinion of the commission, reflects adversely on the honesty and integrity of horse or greyhound racing or interferes with the orderly conduct of a race meeting.

(g) The commission shall review and approve all proposed construction and major renovations to racetrack facilities owned or leased by licensees.

(h) The commission shall review and approve all proposed contracts with racetracks or businesses involved in simulcasting races to racetrack facilities in Kansas or operating historical horse race machines.

(i) The commission may suspend a horse or greyhound from participation in races if such horse or greyhound has been involved in any violation of the provisions of this act or any rule and regulation or order of the commission.

(j) The commission, within 72 hours after any action taken by a steward or racing judge and upon appeal by any interested party or upon its own initiative, may overrule any decision of a steward or racing judge, other than a decision regarding disqualifications for interference during the running of a race, if the preponderance of evidence indicates that:

(1) The steward or racing judge mistakenly interpreted the law;

(2) new evidence of a convincing nature is produced; or

(3) the best interests of racing and the state may be better served.

A decision of the commission to overrule any decision of a steward or racing judge shall not change the distribution of parimutuel pools to the holders of winning tickets. A decision of the commission which would affect the distribution of purses in any race shall not result in a change in that distribution unless a written claim is submitted to the commission within 48 hours after completion of the contested race by one of the owners or trainers of a horse or greyhound that participated in such race and a preponderance of evidence clearly indicates to the commission that one or more of the grounds for protest, as provided for in rules and regulations of the commission, has been substantiated.

(k) The commission shall review and approve all proposed historical horse race machines and all proposed types of wagering to be conducted on such machines.

(l) The commission, after notice and a hearing in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the commission, may impose a civil fine not exceeding $5,000 for each violation of any provision of this act, or any rule and regulation of the commission, for which no other penalty is provided.

(m) The commission shall adopt rules and regulations specifying and regulating:

(1) Those drugs and medications that may be administered, and possessed for administration, to a horse or greyhound within the confines of a racetrack facility; and

(2) that equipment for administering drugs or medications to horses or greyhounds that may be possessed within the confines of a racetrack facility.

(n) The commission may adopt rules and regulations providing for the testing of any licensees of the commission, and any officers, directors and employees thereof, to determine whether they are users of any controlled substances.

(o) The commission shall require fingerprinting of all persons necessary to verify qualification for employment by the commission or to verify qualification for any license, including a simulcasting license, issued pursuant to this act. The commission shall submit such fingerprints to the Kansas bureau of investigation and to the federal bureau of investigation for the purposes of verifying the identity of such persons and obtaining records of criminal arrests and convictions.

(p) The commission, in accordance with K.S.A. 2024 Supp. 22-4714, and amendments thereto, may receive from commission security personnel, the Kansas bureau of investigation or other criminal justice agencies, including, but not limited to, the federal bureau of investigation and the federal internal revenue service, such criminal history record information, including arrest and nonconviction data, criminal intelligence information and information relating to criminal and background investigations as necessary for the purpose of determining qualifications of employees or licensees. Upon the written request of the chairperson of the commission, the commission may receive from the district courts such information relating to juvenile proceedings as necessary for the purpose of determining qualifications of employees or licensees.

(q) The commission, in accordance with K.S.A. 75-4319, and amendments thereto, may recess for a closed or executive meeting to receive and discuss information received by the commission pursuant to subsection (o) and to negotiate with licensees of or applicants for licensure by the commission regarding any such information.

(r) The commission may enter into agreements with the federal bureau of investigation, the federal internal revenue service, the Kansas attorney general or any state, federal or local agency as necessary to carry out the duties of the commission under this act.

(s) The commission shall adopt such rules and regulations as necessary to implement and enforce the provisions of this act.

History: L. 1987, ch. 112, § 4; L. 1988, ch. 315, § 3; L. 1992, ch. 27, § 3; L. 1992, ch. 286, § 2; L. 1993, ch. 76, § 1; L. 1994, ch. 146, § 3; L. 1995, ch. 255, § 8; L. 1996, ch. 262, § 2; L. 2004, ch. 145, § 30; L. 2022, ch. 91, § 38; L. 2024, ch. 15, § 80; July 1.

Attorney General's Opinions:

Organization licenses to conduct parimutuel races; facility owner license; facility manager license. 88-120.

Parimutuel racing; county fair association personnel; wagering on or participating in horse race meetings. 88-131.

Health care peer review committee reports; confidentiality and open meeting requirements. 89-42.

Kansas racing commission; political activities. 90-111.


1. Disclosure of K.B.I. reports to racing license applicants permitted hereunder and K.S.A. 45-215 et seq., subject to provisions of K.S.A. 45-221. Kansas Racing Management, Inc. v. Kansas Racing Comm'n, 244 Kan. 343, 353, 770 P.2d 423 (1989).

2. Administrative hearing findings of misconduct supported exclusion of general manager from racing facilities. Reed v. Kansas Racing Comm'n, 253 Kan. 602, 609, 860 P.2d 864 (1993).


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