12-17,165. Procedure for establishing STAR bond project district; hearings; notice; limitations. (a) When a city or county proposes to establish a STAR bond project district, within an eligible area, the city or county shall adopt a resolution stating that the city or county is considering the establishment of a STAR bond project district. Such resolution shall:
(1) Give notice that a public hearing will be held to consider the establishment of a STAR bond project district and fix the date, hour and place of such public hearing;
(2) describe the proposed boundaries of the STAR bond project district;
(3) describe the STAR bond project district plan;
(4) state that a description and map of the proposed STAR bond project district are available for inspection at a time and place designated;
(5) provide a description of all state, federal and local tax incentives that apply or, pursuant to the STAR bond project district plan, are anticipated to apply within the STAR bond district or that apply to any business located in or, as provided in the public STAR bond project district plan or in any other public document, that will locate in the district; and
(6) state that the governing body will consider findings necessary for the establishment of a STAR bond project district.
Notice shall be given as prescribed in K.S.A. 12-17,166(f)(2), and amendments thereto, and, if the county or city has a website, notice shall be conspicuously provided at a prominent location on the first page of the website of the county or city. Such notice shall include the items described in subsections (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4) and (a)(5) and any other document or information required to be set forth in the resolution or a link to such items.
(b) The city or county shall submit the proposed STAR bond project district to the secretary for a determination that the district is an eligible area as defined in K.S.A. 12-17,162, and amendments thereto.
(c) Upon the conclusion of the public hearing, and a finding by the secretary that the proposed project district is an eligible area, the governing body of the municipality shall pass an ordinance or resolution. The ordinance or resolution, including the STAR bond project district plan, the legal description of the STAR bond project district and any other public documents considered at the public hearing, shall be conspicuously posted or linked to a prominent location on the first page of the city or county's website, if the city or county has a website.
(1) An ordinance or resolution for a STAR bond project district shall:
(A) Make findings that the STAR bond project district proposed to be developed is an historic theater, or a STAR bond project as defined in K.S.A. 12-17,162, and amendments thereto;
(B) contain a STAR bond project district plan that identifies all of the proposed STAR bond project areas and identifies in a general manner all of the buildings and facilities that are proposed to be constructed or improved in each STAR bond project area. The boundaries of such STAR bond project district shall not include any area not designated in the notice required by subsection (a);
(C) provide a description of all state, federal and local tax incentives that apply or, pursuant to the STAR bond project district plan, are anticipated to apply within the STAR bond district or that apply to any business located in or, as provided in the public STAR bond project district plan or in any other public document, that will locate in the district; and
(D) contain the legal description of the STAR bond project district and may establish the STAR bond project district.
(2) If no ordinance or resolution is passed by the city or county within 30 days from the conclusion of the public hearing, then such STAR bond project district shall not be established.
(d) The governing body of a city or county may establish a STAR bond project district within that city or such city may establish a district inclusive of land outside the boundaries of the city or wholly outside the boundaries of such city upon written consent of the board of county commissioners. Prior to providing written consent, the board of county commissioners must provide notice and hold a hearing as is required of a city pursuant to subsection (a) for the establishment of a STAR bond project district.
The governing body of a county may establish a STAR bond project district within the unincorporated area of the county.
(e) One or more STAR bond projects may be undertaken by a city or county within a STAR bond project district after such STAR bond project district has been established in the manner provided by this section.
(f) No privately owned property subject to ad valorem taxes shall be acquired and redeveloped under the provisions of K.S.A. 12-17,160 et seq., and amendments thereto, if the board of county commissioners or the board of education levying taxes on such property determines by resolution adopted within 30 days following the conclusion of the hearing for the establishment of the STAR bond project district required by subsection (a) that the proposed STAR bond project district will have an adverse effect on such county or school district. The board of county commissioners or board of education shall deliver a copy of such resolution to the city or county. The city or county shall within 30 days of receipt of such resolution pass an ordinance or resolution dissolving the STAR bond project district. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply if the STAR bond project plan provides that ad valorem property tax revenues of the county or the school district levying taxes on such property will not be adversely impacted.
(g) A STAR bond project shall not include a project for a gambling casino.
(h) No new STAR bond project district may be established from the effective date of this act through July 1, 2018, except that, for STAR bond project districts established prior to the effective date of this act, the foregoing shall not prohibit a city or county from utilizing all provisions of the STAR bonds financing act, including, but not limited to, K.S.A. 12-17,171, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 2007, ch. 179, § 6; L. 2017, ch. 84, § 2; L. 2021, ch. 46, § 3; July 1.