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48-3406. Expedited state licensure procedure if licensed, registered or certified in another state for military servicemembers, military spouses or individuals who have established or intend to establish residency in this state; military spouses exempt from application or renewal fees; temporary emergency licenses; paper-based and verified electronic credentials; license verification portal; reports by licensing bodies. (a) For the purposes of this section:

(1) "Applicant" means an individual who is:

(A) A military spouse or military servicemember who resides or plans to reside in this state due to the assigned military station of the individual or the individual's spouse; or

(B) an individual who has established or intends to establish residency in this state.

(2) "Complete application" means the licensing body has received all forms, fees, documentation, a signed affidavit stating that the application information, including necessary prior employment history, is true and accurate and any other information required or requested by the licensing body for the purpose of evaluating the application, consistent with this section and the rules and regulations adopted by the licensing body pursuant to this section. If the licensing body has received all such forms, fees, documentation and any other information required or requested by the licensing body, an application shall be deemed to be a complete application even if the licensing body has not yet received a criminal background report from the Kansas bureau of investigation. An application by a military spouse of an active military servicemember shall be considered a "complete application" without the submission of fees, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (u).

(3) "Electronic credential" or "electronic certification, license or registration" means an electronic method by which a person may display or transmit to another person information that verifies the status of a person's certification, licensure, registration or permit as authorized by a licensing body and is equivalent to a paper-based certification, license, registration or permit.

(4) "Licensing body" means an official, agency, board or other entity of the state that authorizes individuals to practice a profession in this state and issues a license, registration, certificate, permit or other authorization to an individual so authorized.

(5) "Military servicemember" means a current member of any branch of the United States armed services, United States military reserves or national guard of any state or a former member with an honorable discharge.

(6) "Military spouse" means the spouse of a military servicemember.

(7) "Person" means a natural person.

(8) "Private certification" means a voluntary program in which a private organization grants nontransferable recognition to an individual who meets personal qualifications and standards relevant to performing the occupation as determined by the private organization.

(9) "Scope of practice" means the procedures, actions, processes and work that a person may perform under a government issued license, registration or certification.

(10) "Verification system" means an electronic method by which the authenticity and validity of electronic credentials are verified.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any licensing body shall, upon submission of a complete application, issue a paper-based and verified electronic license, registration or certification to an applicant as provided by this section, so that the applicant may lawfully practice the person's occupation. Any licensing body may satisfy any requirement under this section to provide a paper-based license, registration, certification or permit in addition to an electronic license, registration, certification or permit by issuing such electronic credential to the applicant in a format that permits the applicant to print a paper copy of such electronic credential. Such paper copy shall be considered a valid license, registration, certification or permit for all purposes.

(c) An applicant who holds a valid current license, registration or certification in another state, district or territory of the United States shall receive a paper-based and verified electronic license, registration or certification:

(1) If the applicant qualifies under the applicable Kansas licensure, registration or certification by endorsement, reinstatement or reciprocity statutes, then pursuant to applicable licensure, registration or certification by endorsement, reinstatement or reciprocity statutes of the licensing body of this state for the license, registration or certification within 15 days from the date a complete application was submitted if the applicant is a military servicemember or military spouse or within 45 days from the date a complete application was submitted for all other applicants; or

(2) if the applicant does not qualify under the applicable licensure, registration or certification by endorsement, reinstatement or reciprocity statutes of the licensing body of this state, or if the Kansas professional practice act does not have licensure, registration or certification by endorsement, reinstatement or reciprocity statutes, then the applicant shall receive a license, registration or certification as provided herein if, at the time of application, the applicant:

(A) Holds a valid current license, registration or certification in another state, district or territory of the United States with licensure, registration or certification requirements that the licensing body determines authorize a similar scope of practice as those established by the licensing body of this state, or holds a certification issued by another state for practicing the occupation but this state requires an occupational license, and the licensing body of this state determines that the certification requirements certify a similar scope of practice as the licensing requirements established by the licensing body of this state;

(B) has worked for at least one year in the occupation for which the license, certification or registration is sought;

(C) has not committed an act in any jurisdiction that would have constituted grounds for the limitation, suspension or revocation of the license, certificate or registration, or that the applicant has never been censured or had other disciplinary action taken or had an application for licensure, registration or certification denied or refused to practice an occupation for which the applicant seeks licensure, registration or certification;

(D) has not been disciplined by a licensing, registering, certifying or other credentialing entity in another jurisdiction and is not the subject of an unresolved complaint, review procedure or disciplinary proceeding conducted by a licensing, registering, certifying or other credentialing entity in another jurisdiction nor has surrendered their membership on any professional staff in any professional association or society or faculty for another state or jurisdiction while under investigation or to avoid adverse action for acts or conduct similar to acts or conduct that would constitute grounds for disciplinary action in a Kansas practice act;

(E) does not have a disqualifying criminal record as determined by the licensing body of this state under Kansas law;

(F) provides proof of solvency, financial standing, bonding or insurance if required by the licensing body of this state, but only to the same extent as required of any applicant with similar credentials or experience;

(G) pays any fees required by the licensing body of this state; and

(H) submits with the application a signed affidavit stating that the application information, including necessary prior employment history, is true and accurate.

Upon receiving a complete application and the provisions of subsection (c)(2) apply and have been met by the applicant, the licensing body shall issue the license, registration or certification within 15 days from the date a complete application was submitted by a military servicemember or military spouse, or within 45 days from the date a complete application was submitted by an applicant who is not a military servicemember or military spouse, to the applicant on a probationary basis, but may revoke the license, registration or certification at any time if the information provided in the application is found to be false. The probationary period shall not exceed six months. Upon completion of the probationary period, the license, certification or registration shall become a non-probationary license, certification or registration.

(d) Any applicant who has not been in the active practice of the occupation during the two years preceding the application for which the applicant seeks a license, registration or certification under subsection (c)(2) may be required to complete such additional testing, training, monitoring or continuing education as the Kansas licensing body may deem necessary to establish the applicant's present ability to practice in a manner that protects the health and safety of the public, as provided by subsection (j).

(e) Upon submission of a complete application, an applicant may receive an occupational license, registration or certification based on the applicant's work experience in another state, if the applicant:

(1) Worked in a state that does not use an occupational license, registration, certification or private certification to regulate an occupation, but this state uses an occupational license, registration or certification to regulate the occupation;

(2) worked for at least three years in the occupation during the four years immediately preceding the application; and

(3) satisfies the requirements of subsection (c)(2)(C) through (H).

(f) Upon submission of a complete application, an applicant may receive an occupational license, registration or certification under subsection (b) based on the applicant's holding of a private certification and work experience in another state, if the applicant:

(1) Holds a private certification and worked in a state that does not use an occupational license or government certification to regulate an occupation, but this state uses an occupational license or government certification to regulate the occupation;

(2) worked for at least two years in the occupation;

(3) holds a current and valid private certification in the occupation;

(4) is held in good standing by the organization that issued the private certification; and

(5) satisfies the requirements of subsection (c)(2)(C) through (H).

(g) An applicant licensed, registered or certified under this section shall be entitled to the same rights and subject to the same obligations as are provided by the licensing body for Kansas residents, except that revocation or suspension of an applicant's license, registration or certificate in the applicant's state of residence or any jurisdiction in which the applicant held a license, registration or certificate shall automatically cause the same revocation or suspension of such applicant's license, registration or certificate in Kansas. No hearing shall be granted to an applicant where such applicant's license, registration or certificate is subject to such automatic revocation or suspension, except for the purpose of establishing the fact of revocation or suspension of the applicant's license, registration or certificate by the applicant's state of residence or jurisdiction in which the applicant held a license, registration or certificate.

(h) In the event the licensing body determines that the license, registration or certificate currently held by an applicant under subsection (c)(2) or the work experience or private credential held by an applicant under subsections (e) or (f), who is a military spouse or military servicemember does not authorize a similar scope of practice as the license, registration or certification issued by the licensing body of this state, the licensing body shall issue a temporary permit for a limited period of time to allow the applicant to lawfully practice the applicant's occupation while completing any specific requirements that are required in this state for licensure, registration or certification that were not required in the state, district or territory of the United States in which the applicant was licensed, registered, certified or otherwise credentialed, unless the licensing body finds, based on specific grounds, that issuing a temporary permit would jeopardize the health and safety of the public.

(i) In the event the licensing body determines that the license, registration or certification currently held by an applicant under subsection (c)(2) or the work experience or private credential held by an applicant under subsections (e) or (f), who is not a military spouse or military servicemember, does not authorize a similar scope of practice as the license, registration or certification issued by the licensing body of this state, the licensing body may issue a temporary permit for a limited period of time to allow the applicant to lawfully practice the applicant's occupation while completing any specific requirements that are required in this state for licensure, registration or certification that was not required in the state, district or territory of the United States in which the applicant was licensed, registered, certified or otherwise credentialed, unless the licensing body finds, based on specific grounds, that issuing a temporary permit would jeopardize the health and safety of the public.

(j) Any testing, continuing education or training requirements administered under subsection (d), (h) or (i) shall be limited to Kansas law that regulates the occupation and that are materially different from or additional to the law of another state, or shall be limited to any materially different or additional body of knowledge or skill required for the occupational license, registration or certification in Kansas.

(k) A licensing body may grant licensure, registration, certification or a temporary permit to any person who meets the requirements under this section but was separated from such military service under less than honorable conditions or with a general discharge under honorable conditions.

(l) Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply in conflict with or in a manner inconsistent with federal law or a multistate compact, or a rule or regulation or a reciprocal or other applicable statutory provision that would allow an applicant to receive a license. Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting a licensing body from denying any application for licensure, registration or certification, or declining to grant a temporary or probationary license, if the licensing body determines that granting the application may jeopardize the health and safety of the public.

(m) Nothing in this section shall be construed to be in conflict with any applicable Kansas statute defining the scope of practice of an occupation. The scope of practice as provided by Kansas law shall apply to applicants under this section.

(n) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, during a state of emergency declared by the legislature, a licensing body may grant a temporary emergency license to practice any profession licensed, certified, registered or regulated by the licensing body to an applicant whose qualifications the licensing body determines to be sufficient to protect health and safety of the public and may prohibit any unlicensed person from practicing any profession licensed, certified, registered or regulated by the licensing body.

(o) Not later than January 1, 2025, licensing bodies shall provide paper-based and verified electronic credentials to persons regulated by the licensing body. A licensing body may prescribe the format or requirements of the electronic credential to be used by the licensing body. Any statutory or regulatory requirement to display, post or produce a credential issued by a licensing body may be satisfied by the proffer of an electronic credential authorized by the licensing body. A licensing body may use a third-party electronic credential system that is not maintained by the licensing body.

(p) On or before January 1, 2025, and subject to appropriations therefore, the secretary of administration shall develop and implement a uniform or singular license verification portal for the purpose of verifying or reporting license statuses such as credentials issued, renewed, revoked or suspended by licensing bodies or that have expired or otherwise changed in status. The secretary of administration may utilize the services or facilities of a third party for the central electronic record system. The central electronic record system shall comply with the requirements adopted by the information technology executive council pursuant to K.S.A. 75-7203, and amendments thereto. Beginning January 1, 2025, each licensing body shall be able to integrate with the uniform or singular license verification portal in the manner and format required by the secretary of administration indicating any issuance, renewal, revocation, suspension, expiration or other change in status of an electronic credential that has occurred. No charge for the establishment or maintenance of the uniform or singular license verification portal shall be imposed on any licensing body or any person with a license, registration, certification or permit issued by a licensing body. The centralized electronic credential data management systems shall include an instantaneous verification system that is operated by the licensing body's respective secretary, or the secretary's designee, or the secretary's third-party agent on behalf of the licensing body for the purpose of instantly verifying the authenticity and validity of electronic credentials issued by the licensing body. Centralized electronic credential data management systems shall maintain an auditable record of credentials issued by each licensing body.

(q) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting or preventing a licensing body from developing, operating, maintaining or using a separate electronic credential system of the licensing body or of a third party in addition to making the reports to the central electronic record system required by subsection (p) or participating in a multistate compact or a reciprocal licensure, registration or certification process as long as the separate electronic credential system of the licensing body integrates with the uniform or singular license verification portal.

(r) Each licensing body shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to implement and carry out the provisions of this section.

(s) This section shall not apply to the practice of law or the regulation of attorneys pursuant to K.S.A. 7-103, and amendments thereto, or to the certification of law enforcement officers pursuant to the Kansas law enforcement training act, K.S.A. 74-5601 et seq., and amendments thereto.

(t) The state board of healing arts and the state board of technical professions, with respect to an applicant who is seeking a license to practice professional engineering or engage in the practice of engineering, as defined in K.S.A. 74-7003, and amendments thereto, may deny an application for licensure, registration or certification, or decline to grant a temporary or probationary license, if the board determines the applicant's qualifications are not substantially equivalent to those established by the board. Such boards shall not otherwise be exempt from the provisions of this act.

(u) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, applicants who are military spouses of active military service members shall be exempt from all fees assessed by any licensing body to obtain an occupational credential in Kansas and renew such credential including initial or renewal application, licensing, registration, certification, endorsement, reciprocity or permit fees and any criminal background report fees, whether assessed by the licensing body or another agency. Licensing bodies shall adopt rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this subsection.

(v) This section shall apply to all licensing bodies not excluded under subsection (s), including, but not limited to:

(1) The abstracters' board of examiners;

(2) the board of accountancy;

(3) the board of adult care home administrators;

(4) the secretary for aging and disability services, with respect to K.S.A. 65-5901 et seq. and 65-6503 et seq., and amendments thereto;

(5) the Kansas board of barbering;

(6) the behavioral sciences regulatory board;

(7) the Kansas state board of cosmetology;

(8) the Kansas dental board;

(9) the state board of education;

(10) the Kansas board of examiners in fitting and dispensing of hearing instruments;

(11) the board of examiners in optometry;

(12) the state board of healing arts, as provided by subsection (t);

(13) the secretary of health and environment, with respect to K.S.A. 82a-1201 et seq., and amendments thereto;

(14) the commissioner of insurance, with respect to K.S.A. 40-241 and 40-4901 et seq., and amendments thereto;

(15) the state board of mortuary arts;

(16) the board of nursing;

(17) the state board of pharmacy;

(18) the Kansas real estate commission;

(19) the real estate appraisal board;

(20) the state board of technical professions, as provided by subsection (t); and

(21) the state board of veterinary examiners.

(w) All proceedings pursuant to this section shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act and shall be reviewable in accordance with the Kansas judicial review act.

(x) Commencing on July 1, 2021, and each year thereafter, each licensing body listed in subsection (u)(1) through (21) shall provide a report for the period of July 1 through June 30 to the director of legislative research by August 31 of each year, providing information requested by the director of legislative research to fulfill the requirements of this subsection. The director of legislative research shall develop the report format, prepare an analysis of the reports and submit and present the analysis to the office of the governor, the committee on commerce, labor and economic development of the house of representatives, the committee on commerce of the senate, the committee on appropriations of the house of representatives and the committee on ways and means of the senate by January 15 of the succeeding year. The director's report may provide any analysis the director deems useful and shall provide the following items, detailed by applicant type, including military servicemember, military spouse and non-military individual:

(1) The number of applications received under the provisions of this section;

(2) the number of applications granted under this section;

(3) the number of applications denied under this section;

(4) the average time between receipt of the application and completion of the application;

(5) the average time between receipt of a complete application and issuance of a license, certification or registration; and

(6) identification of applications submitted under this section where the issuance of credentials or another determination by the licensing body was not made within the time limitations pursuant to this section and the reasons for the failure to meet such time limitations.

All information shall be provided by the licensing body to the director of legislative research in a manner that maintains the confidentiality of all applicants and in aggregate form that does not permit identification of individual applicants.

History: L. 2012, ch. 1, § 1; L. 2013, ch. 95, § 2; L. 2015, ch. 76, § 9; L. 2021, ch. 70, § 1; L. 2023, ch. 61, § 2; L. 2024, ch. 9, § 1; July 1.


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