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59-608. Nuncupative will. An oral will made in the last sickness shall be valid in respect to personal property, if reduced to writing and subscribed by two competent, disinterested witnesses within thirty days after the speaking of the testamentary words, when the testator called upon some person present at the time the testamentary words were spoken to bear testimony to said disposition as his or her will.

History: L. 1939, ch. 180, ยง 44; July 1.

Source or prior law:


Law Review and Bar Journal References:

No provision for nuncupative wills in proposed Uniform Probate Code, Camilla Klein Haviland, 19 K.L.R. 575, 578 (1971).

"Will Substitutes in Kansas," Jana J. Deines and Michael E. McMahon, 23 W.L.J. 132, 148 (1983).

"Will Contests in Kansas," Dennis M. Feeney & Jeffery L. Carmichael, 64 J.K.B.A. No. 7, 22, 23 (1995).


1. Nuncupative will cannot revoke or alter prior written will. In re Estate of Grattan, 157 Kan. 116, 117, 119, 124, 138 P.2d 497.

2. Only two ways to make valid will in Kansas. In re Estate of Bond, 159 Kan. 249, 252, 153 P.2d 912.


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