79-2416. The various county treasurers shall not issue any tax-sale certificates nor shall the various county clerks execute any tax deeds prior to September 1, 1939, for lands bid off for taxes in the name of the county: Provided, That with respect to all lands bid off for taxes in the name of the county at the tax sale of September, 1938, or prior years, no tax-sale certificates nor tax deeds shall be issued or executed so long as all the current taxes beginning with taxes due November 1, 1938, have been paid: Provided, That if such lands have not been redeemed prior to September 1, 1941, tax-sale certificates and tax deeds shall be issued and executed as provided by law: And provided further, That unless such current taxes had been paid, tax-sale certificates and tax deeds shall be issued as provided by law: Provided further, That tax deeds may be executed in those instances where compromise tax-sale certificates have been assigned prior to the effective date of this act [*].
History: L. 1939, ch. 326, § 2; March 1.
* "Act" see also 79-2415.
Source or prior law:
L. 1937, ch. 365, § 2.
1. 1939 act construed; prerequisites to obtaining benefits of act determined. Iola B. & L. Ass'n v. Allen County Comm'rs, 152 Kan. 365, 366, 369, 103 P.2d 788.
2. Act is applicable to minerals in place, when; tax deed void. Catlett v. Roemer, 174 Kan. 309, 310, 312, 313, 314, 255 P.2d 1011.
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