72-1163. Budget and summary of proposed budget; notice of availability; needs assessment of attendance centers; evaluation by boards of education; annual review of state assessment results. (a) (1) Each year the board of education of a school district shall conduct an assessment of the educational needs of each attendance center in the district. Such assessment shall be published on the school district's website. Information obtained from such needs assessment shall be used by the board when approving the budget of the school district to ensure improvement in student academic performance. In the minutes of the meeting at which the board approves its annual budget, the board shall include that such needs assessment was provided to the board, the board evaluated such assessment and how the board used such assessment in the approval of the school district's budget.
(2) Each year, the board of education of a school district shall review state assessment results and, as part of such review, shall document the following:
(A) The barriers that must be overcome to have all students achieve proficiency above level 2 for grade level academic expectations on such assessments;
(B) any budget actions, including, but not limited to, recommendations on reallocation of resources that should be taken to address and remove such barriers; and
(C) the amount of time the board estimates it will take for all students to achieve proficiency above level 2 for grade level academic expectations on the state assessments if such budget actions are implemented.
(3) The budget of the school district shall allocate sufficient moneys in a manner reasonably calculated such that all students may achieve the goal set forth in K.S.A. 72-3218(c), and amendments thereto. The board also shall prepare a summary of the budget for the school district. The budgets and summary shall be in the form prescribed by the director pursuant to K.S.A. 79-2926, and amendments thereto.
(b) The budgets, the summary of the proposed budget, the needs assessment and the state assessment documentation shall be on file at the administrative offices of the school district and available on the school district's website.
(c) The notice required to be published by K.S.A. 79-2929, and amendments thereto, shall include a statement that the budgets, the summary of the proposed budget, the needs assessment and state assessment documentation is on file at the administrative offices of the district and available on the school district's website.
History: L. 2003, ch. 116, § 21; L. 2006, ch. 197, § 26; L. 2021, ch. 114, § 8; L. 2022, ch. 94, § 12; July 1.
Source or Prior Law:
Cross References to Related Sections:
Budgeting requirements, see also 12-1663, 79-2925 et seq.